They have turned their back to Me and not their face; though I taught them, teaching again and again, they would not listen and receive instruction.
Jeremiah 32:33 ASV
The school in which I taught allowed for a lot of autonomy in the classroom. One thing that we as teachers could decide was whether or not students could retake final exams if they failed them. In my nearly 15 years in the high school classroom, I ran into this situation only twice. Both times, students were within a couple of points of a passing grade. Now, I was disappointed, knowing that these students didn’t put in enough time studying. Did they even take notes during the review? They could have done better. They could have listened more to my teaching. They could have taken notes. They didn’t listen to me, and I could have taken that personally and let that be the end of it.
However, not passing this test meant that they wouldn’t pass senior English, a requirement for graduation. What would that have caused? Summer school. No families at graduation. Now, they could have gone to summer school and made up that credit. Why should I care? Why should I do something to help them? They didn’t seem to have helped themselves. Were they lazy? Stubborn? Out all night celebrating their graduation prematurely? Or maybe they had something going on in their personal lives that I didn’t know about. Were their families fighting the night before? Did they have to work the late shift at a restaurant before getting home? And, if so, did any of that matter?
I’m sure you know by now that I allowed both students to retake the tests. They passed. They walked the stage in cap and gown and smiled for family photos. They probably didn’t tell their parents they’d had to retake the tests. They didn’t thank me for allowing them the opportunity. Both of these young students went on with their lives. And that’s what is important, after all. The test wasn’t really about British Literature. It was a mile marker in the road of life. Maybe even just a blip. A couple of years later, one of those students was dead after an accident. That English test was even less critical looking back.
His love never fails us, even when we fail the tests.
God lets us retake tests. We don’t always study the way we should. We don’t always listen how we should. Oh, my. That happens so often, doesn’t it? However, God doesn’t flunk us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. His love never fails us, even when we fail the tests. His love is gracious and full of mercy! Because of that fatherly love for us, He wants more for us. He sees the things we need to overcome before we move on, both the mile markers and the blips. Things we may even see as unimportant can teach us lessons. It may not be high school English we need to know, but it is the discipline of studying. It may not be a big deal to get along with an unfair boss or a rude coworker, but it is about humility and grace. If we let Him, God won’t waste a lesson.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6
One of my college professors called tests “opportunities.” That makes a lot of sense to me in this regard. God gives us numerous “opportunities” to demonstrate what we have learned. Are you taking a test right now? Is it one that you’ve already attempted but are having to retake? Be encouraged. Study the subject matter and pray. You can come away with what God has for you in this class.