Our Need for Control
Our need for control and living in what we find predictable can prevent us from entering unknown lands just because we can’t control every aspect. When I say “lands,” I refer to those areas in life that we journey to. It could be that new career, a relationship, or a big move. It could be changing habits, choosing forgiveness, the list goes on.
We stick with our familiar lands because it’s comfortable to stay there. We know what it’s like living there. We are familiar with the mountains, valleys, and the wildlife — even the predators that keep us from going outside our territory. But we need to ask ourselves if this land is the best, or is there more!? God may be calling us to live in other places, but we hold back because it feels unfamiliar and unknown. We don’t have a map for this unknown land, so we stay where we are.
What if there is more for your life? You have to rely on God being your navigation, not your familiar map of what feels predictable to you!
Where is God calling you to? What land in life is He asking you to trust Him with? When we stand on the outside, we easily see all of the obstacles that are there. Then we live with this idea that we have the inability to conquer what might be ahead, so we set up camp, resting in what is comfortable because it feels safe.
Did you know that certain predatory animals cannot handle the air in higher elevations because the oxygen levels change? The air gets too thin for them, and they have to stop following their prey. Get off the ground and climb to new heights in your life! Go places with God that you never thought possible. It may be that you lose the “predators” that are harassing you now. God is filled with every resource that you need to get there.
“The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Psalm 37:23 (NLT)
I want you to look at any area in your life that you are just settling for something small when you know that there is more.
Next, I want you to pray and ask the Lord to show you how there is more in this area.
Now I want you to rise and go take the steps towards this new land. Even though there is a level of fear, that does not always mean we stop. Let God be your navigator. Speak to that fear and walk right past the obstacles to your future.