Do you know the difference between a castle and a palace? In one word, it is fortification. Castles were designed not only to withhold enemy attack, but also have strategic offensive capabilities. Palaces were designed to display opulence and status with little attention to battle-readiness. Both castles and palaces housed the wealthy or even royalty, but I want to draw your attention to the structures themselves.
Let’s examine castles for a moment. Many of its features were designed to provide both defensive and offensive tactics. The structure, for example, was usually built upon a natural stronghold, a high hill with strong stone or against a body of water. The builders would dig a moat around the castle so the enemy could not tunnel under the walls to invade. Within the tower walls, spiral staircases were designed to ascend clockwise. This was done so that the defending soldiers could use their predominantly right arm while forcing the enemy to use the less dominant left arm for sword fighting. There were often uneven steps intended to throw the enemy off-balance. Thin, narrow windows allowed archers to fend off the enemy from above without leaving themselves open to attack.
Palaces, on the other hand, were known for their luxuriousness, designed to impress. Although spectacularly impressive, these structures were not built to withhold an enemy attack. They were often surrounded by lush gardens and filled with priceless artwork. Attacks from the enemy weren’t thought to be done on those grounds, but on a distant battlefield.
I was walking this morning and saw an abandoned building, easily 100 years old, in decay. Next to that building was a taller building being renovated, slabs of concrete reinforcing its walls covering the old, weakened brick. God keeps drawing my attention to visuals like this, so I’ve been asking myself figuratively, which am I…a castle or a palace?
Honestly, I’ve been the palace: unfortified…and perhaps you are as well. We like to tend to our lush gardens and display our status; sometimes not even aware that is our driving force. Being aware and being honest with yourself is when God can work in you. I’ve spent far too long in denial…been there, done that. The first step in solving any problem is admitting that there is one.
Let’s take another look at castles. Before the first brick is even laid, a proper and firm foundation must be found. We all know that foundation figuratively needs to be Jesus. If you’re not sure that He is yours, that is your beginning point. From that foundation, the design is conceived in every detail: the moat location and depth, the height of the towers, the rotation and placement of the steps, the narrow windows allowing for maximum levels of defense, etc.
What steps are you taking to fortify your castle against enemy attack? We don’t come “pre-built” even though we sometimes wish we were. I have to admit that I often want it easy in life, and that has a direct (my son would say 1 to 1) affect on the level of my defenses. I’m going to brag on my wife for a moment…she has spent years reading, studying, praying, and pushing herself to fortify her own castle against enemy attack. I deeply admire her tenacity and have seen firsthand the results. It doesn’t just happen. We can prepare ourselves the same way!
There are countless castles that have stood the test of time, still standing and fortified. May that be you!