Notebook with the words 'Am I good enough?' written in black pen, beside a pen and pencil on a wooden table.

Reduced Fee Counseling

We provide a reduced-fee counseling option to meet the mental health needs in our community

People walking on a zebra crossing in a city street during sunset.

How do we reach people with God’s Word? How do we help people repair their relationships? By creating content available online and in the app, the highways and hedges of our internet society. You can help us produce our videos, podcasts, blogs, and app for that audience! Please consider clicking the button below to give to JSM.

Partner with us

abstract gray wavy texture design

At Joanna Snow Ministries we believe that God desires to reform our perspective to His design. This begins with having a healthy perspective of ourselves in relationship with who God is, which impacts the people around us.

Leading a movement

People sitting in a lecture or meeting, holding notebooks and books.

Creating Community

There are so many ways to connect!

Woman holding a phone displaying JSM Podcast, with text 'Wednesdays 8AM Central' and Podbean logo.

Impacting Lives

We desire to equip those around us with the tools to live in the fullness of how God created us. We have a weekly Podcast filled with great information and resources.

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