We desire to see everyone living in healthy relationship with the Lord and each other.
Make a connection.
At Joanna Snow Ministries, Inc, we have big dreams. Part of that is offering marriage and mental health counseling to our local community, launching of our video classes, podcasts, blogs, and online Bible studies.
What are we about? Relationship.
We help people repair relationships with each other and God.
Connections make us stronger. Won’t you connect with us?
Your financial giving allows us to continue to carry out our vision, and reach more people with the needed resources. Resources that allow people to grow, heal, and receive the mental health support that they need.
Every $40 provides a counseling session for another person who is in need. That person could be a single parent who does not have the funds, a person who just lost their job, the young married couple trying to make it, a college student struggling with depression, someone wrestling with suicide, the addict who is seeking help, or someone who is unable to get the resources.
Join us in reaching those in need of counseling and connection!
Give financially today!
Joanna Snow Ministries, Inc is recognized as a 501c3 all giving is tax deductible. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us.