Voice of God
I found a new song this week. Well, new to me. It's called “Voice of God,” and it was released several months ago. It's by Dante Bowe, and it features Steffany Gretzinger and Chandler Moore. (You may recognize them all from Maverick City Music and Bethel Music.)
It is a very worshipful song that talks about hearing the voice of God in simple things. The verses discuss the beauty of sunsets and moonlight and the novel sounds of crackling fires, ocean waves, and laughing children. They also talk about hearing God while we are spending time with family. I love that. When we discuss hearing from God, we often think of huge, powerful ways. Thunder, maybe. Or the sound of a mighty rushing wind. But Elijah found that God can come in a still, small voice.
And, behold, the Lord passed by,
and a great and strong wind rent the mountains,
and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord;
but the Lord was not in the wind:
and after the wind an earthquake;
but the Lord was not in the earthquake:
and after the earthquake a fire;
but the Lord was not in the fire:
and after the fire, a still small voice.
1 Kings 19:11,12
All of these things, the song says, should draw us closer to God. We should recognize the holiness of God's creations and revel in the moments of peace and wonder He allows us. And, He comes to us in sweet ways. Have you ever felt drawn to the beach in order to find peace and communion with God? Have you been pulled to a particular person or church or event, hoping to hear His voice? I have. And He speaks when we seek Him. He speaks through His Word and His people. But He also speaks through things around us. We simply have to listen. I know. You've probably heard that before. But it's true. Just remember that, like Elijah, we may expect big, booming words, but the voice of God may come to us quietly and bring with it peace.
When Elijah heard God’s quiet voice, he was humbled. Scripture says, “he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave.” (1 Kings 19:13a) God knew that Elijah was in a tough place — a fragile state of mind. He met him gently, and He will meet us gently, too.
I pray that you hear the voice of God this week and that it draws you closer to Him.