The JSM Marriage course is a collection of discussions put together through the experience and knowledge I have obtained in working with couples. It is great for helping to build a foundation for a new relationship or to help bring some needed adjustments to established relationships. I hope that you are blessed and enjoy entering into conversations with my husband and me.
Marriage is a foundational relationship. Connected to marriages are relationships with children, inlaws, friends, and more. The state of healthiness in the marriage will affect all of these relationships. Joanna and her husband, Ben, talk about the best ways to communicate, enjoy time together, and share perspectives.
The Joanna Snow Ministries Marriage course is designed to be a self-paced interactive journey. Each day’s segment includes a video and a companion worksheet. Worksheets can be opened on your phone, tablet, or computer with or without a Dropbox account. There are 12 sessions in this course.
Sessions in the Marriage Course:
Creating a Safe Space
Communication, Parts 1 and 2
Recovery & Apology, Parts 1 and 2
Two Relationships
Working as a Team
Relationship Preferences
Love Banks
Going Deeper