The Importance of Armor Maintenance: Introduction

Over the next several weeks, we will reexamine a subject that has been frequently taught in classes and studies. However, The Holy Spirit can always reveal new facets of God's Word, and I want us to pursue something together.

People acquainted with prayer and spiritual warfare are usually familiar with the Armor of God. The Apostle Paul compared needed Christian qualities to different pieces of Roman armor so that his audience could better understand their importance. Each piece represents qualities Christians need to engage in a victorious battle. We know that we need to suit up in our armor daily to fight a good fight. Like perhaps some of you, I have often gone through a ritual of "putting on" the armor to remind myself of the ways God supports me. But lately, God has been dealing with me not about wearing the armor but about maintaining it.

Maintenance is an essential part of stewardship. In short, we have to take care of things if they are to last. For example, our cars, houses, and bodies require maintenance to keep them in good working order. It may be something as simple as giving cars an oil change or our bodies nutritious foods. Or, it may be something that needs repair after an accident. Both are called bodywork!

Similarly, the Armor of God needs maintenance. Why? Indeed, God's armor is spiritual and shouldn't need upkeep. However, like anything else humans use, we affect it, and not for the better. The pieces God provides are perfect, but we are not. Therefore, when the armor is granted to us, humans, who live in this fallen world, we taint it. As a result, we should regularly check ourselves, our motives, and, consequently, our armor.

This week, let's look at the suggested maintenance of some physical armor.

Metal Armor

ArmorVenue is a website for people interested in collecting or using metal armor as part of a costume. Their primary tip for armor maintenance is routinely examining the armor for rust. If rust is discovered, it should be removed gently but immediately. Why? Rust oxidizes metal, eating away at it until layers are missing, even creating holes. Picture a junk car covered in rust and dust. While it could have taken years for rust to cover most of the car, stiffening the door hinges and handles, rust begins quickly and quietly. Depending on humidity levels, rust can start attacking metal in less than a day.

Leather Armor

While not all armor is metal, maintenance principles are the same. One of the oldest varieties, leather armor also needs to be cleaned and stored correctly to keep it functional. Interestingly, though, stresses care even when cleaning leather armor. Simply handling it casually can transfer dirt, sweat, and natural body oils onto the leather, staining it or actually weakening it. This is a perfect picture of our imperfections tainting God’s armor.

Modern Armor

Have you heard of Kevlar? It is a type of body armor produced for police forces and the military. It's bulletproof and even helps stop projectiles from explosions. But it needs to be maintained, too. From a vendor's website, "Even impressive Kevlar has a service life, and it should be cared for properly to ensure that the material strength isn't compromised." Tips for Kevlar care from include keeping the armor dry and out of direct sunlight, both suggestions also for leather armor, interestingly.

Whether metal, leather, bulletproof, or spiritual, armor needs maintenance. Now, if armor is just for show, sitting on a shelf, it won't need much. But if you are using it, it will need to be cleaned and sometimes repaired. So how do we take care of our spiritual armor? During the next several weeks, we will look at each piece and examine how best we can keep it in good working order.


The Importance of Armor Maintenance: The Belt