The Rush

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.
1 Corinthians 3:6

In becoming so developed and advanced in our world, I believe that we sometimes lose specific lessons and get disconnected from certain facts. One such lesson is the process of watching our food grow from seed to the fullness of the fruit that we feast on. We walk in our grocery store, and most of the time, what we need is in arm’s reach, easily accessible, with no consideration about the process required to obtain the substance that we hold in our hand. For the food to get to us, the land must be prepared, seeds planted, and plants tended, all before the fruit is picked, sorted, shipped, and displayed on our neat grocery shelves.

When we understand process, we grasp the idea very quickly that nothing comes instantly; it goes through stages. I share this because I see that this spreads to all areas of our life. We want instant change and growth from those around us, just like when we walk into a grocery store. We want it to be immediate and convenient.

Where do you need to stand back and allow for God’s process in your life? You are waiting for something. What stages are those things? Perhaps you stopped watering because you thought nothing would ever come, and you missed out on the opportunity to see that sprout break through the ground. Did it die right before you saw that green shoot shake the dirt from itself? Did you walk away as the fruit was about to produce to then miss out on the feast?

Wherever you sit in waiting today, ask God for insight and receive His words for where things are! Believe Him for the increase and growth. You can stop resting on what you see and join with what He is doing!


Captive Thoughts


Can’t Stop Now, God! I Have Godly Things to Do!