The Tapestry

It's hard.

Walking out your purpose is hard. We often see only the glamor and lights of a finished product but miss the warfare and struggle of refinement that people go through during the process. That is why so many quit along the way. When the war comes and the stripping of comforts happens, we swear we must be on the wrong path. Maybe we missed a turn at some point. Could things really be this difficult if I am doing what God wants?

I assure you the answer is yes. There is not one person in scripture who had an easy road. Jesus even promised the disciples it would happen. Great promise. It isn't very encouraging. But it is true, and He wanted us to know that we would face trials. 

We could all sit around and debate why our hard time is the way it is: is it God, the enemy, or our own doing? I always shout yes to all.  It is like an intricately woven tapestry, and trying to separate the threads would be next to impossible. We have verses that point in every direction.

Count it all joy when you fall into various trials. (James 1:2)

God works all things together for good. (Romans 8:28)

The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10)

So which one do we pick to tell us what is going on!?

I think we often try to oversimplify the journey, but it's not always that simple. This life is simply complicated, haha! It's crucial to ask the Lord for His purpose and direction. Understanding God’s Word may seem complicated at times, but that is because His mind is so complex. He knows what the tapestry will look like as a finished product. We need His leading for every step, fighting the right battles as we move forward. But realize that sometimes the complications in life come from all three areas: you, the enemy, and God all playing chess, all making designs in the tapestry. 

When things are falling apart, it does not mean God is not in our midst. He is always with us. Take a moment to sit with Him. He has time for you, even when He is covering our steps and weaving beauty in the tapestry. 




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