
We are definitely in a time where it is easy to become consumed by all of the topics, the words and the people, like a lost kid in the middle of a chaotic crowd. If we are not careful, we can get carried away by that state of mind and lose sight of the good, the beautiful, and the peaceful. Sometimes we do not realize that we anchor ourselves in the world going as we think it should, and with that we are easily carried away by what’s happening around us. Our ship is suddenly carried away at sea, and we find ourselves being tossed by the waves in every direction.

Powerful moves happen when we find our stability in what we have control over. I remind people to look at their two hands and remember that they have power in those. Power to hug, help and give! No one has removed that power from us. I encourage you to take a step back right now and read our last blog! Remember that you carry amazing power to shift the world around you!! You have the opportunity to be a hero in your world, to look for opportunities to share love with your two hands and the words in your mouth! Take your power back and go be GREAT!!


Up and Down the Dial


Are You The Greatest American Hero?