
Around this time last year, the Lord had given me a word for myself: conditioned. It was VERY clear that this word was for me and He basically impressed on me that if I am to survive the next season I am entering, then I need to be in shape. This didn't just mean physically; but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I had no idea what I would face in this new season-- only that He said I need to be in shape.

I'm going to be honest, I largely ignored Him and this word. I look back now and wish I had made different choices.

I didn't know that my family would face the passing of my Dad and a cross-country trip with my boys to help settle the house...but God did.

I didn't know that I would decide to step out in faith from a near 20-year career of teaching; leaving colleagues and friends...but God did.

I didn't know that I would face my excuses head-on about why I chose to procrastinate in life and how that continued mentality leads to failure...but God did.

You didn't know what would happen this last year, what would transpire, what you would have to walk through...but God did, and He never left you.

I am reminded of the 1980 USA Olympic Hockey team coached by Herb Brooks. He developed a strategy of play that would skyrocket the team to be the best in the world- literally. He "conditioned" his players to train so hard; to push through pain and discomfort...knowing that would be the only way they would have a chance to be the best.

I feel better conditioned today than I did when I first started (physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally). I would have been farther along if I had listened, true....but God is a good God (He knew I wouldn't follow at first) and still, He never left my side. He won't leave yours either.

